Monday 23 June 2008

洋葱炒鸡蛋 /西红柿青豆炒鸡蛋



Ingredients: onion, eggs, cooking oil, salt

做法 / Cooking method

  • 洋葱切丝、鸡蛋打散,

Slide onion, beat eggs in a bowl,

  • 热锅热油,先炒蛋,起锅备用,

Heat up a bit cooking oil, stir fry eggs, put in a bowl,

  • 锅中再加油,炒熟洋葱,加盐翻炒,加炒好的鸡蛋出锅。

Heat up a bit oil in the frying pan, add onion to stir fry, then add salt and cooked eggs to serve.


Ingredients: tomatoes, peas, eggs, cooking oil, salt

做法 / Cooking method

  • 西红柿切小块、鸡蛋打散,

Cut tomatoes in to small pieces, beat eggs in a bowl,

  • 热锅热油,先炒蛋,起锅备用,

Heat up a bit cooking oil, stir fry eggs, put in a bowl,

  • 锅中再加油,炒熟西红柿,加青豆翻炒,再加盐和炒好的鸡蛋出锅。

Heat up a bit oil in the frying pan, add tomatoes to stir fry, then add peas, salt and cooked eggs to serve.

1 comment:

Edward Vielmetti said...

Thanks for the recipe!

I made a small variation with roasted tomatoes here:

and it looks like you could do a similar style with lots of other quick cooking vegetables.