Friday 18 April 2008


Ingredients: round bean, dried brown mushroom, dried tiny prawn, salt, sugar

做法 / Cooking method

  1. 豆角洗静切段,水发过的香菇去硬蒂、切丝。香菇用热水发开。因为热水发得快、用水少,泡香菇的水就很浓,静置滤去杂质备用。

Round bean washed and cut into 2cm length. Soak dried brown mushroom in hot water, then cut soaked mushroom in to chips. Reserve the hot water with mushroom flavour for further use.

  1. 锅中烧热油,大蒜切片炝锅,下豆角翻炒,再下香菇丝翻炒,加适量泡香菇的水,盖上锅盖焖几分钟。

Heat up cooking oil in a frying pan, then add sliced garlic, add round bean to stir fry, and then add mushroom chips and mushroom flavoured water (about 30ml). Put the lid on the pan to ensure beans are well cooked.

  1. 最后加虾皮翻炒,可以吸干多余的汤水,加糖盐出锅。

Add dried prawn, stir, then add a bit of sugar (optional) and salt to serve.

Tips: Dried tiny prawn is rich in Calcium, and can add more flavour to veggie dishes.

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