Tuesday 22 April 2008



Ingredients: Deep fried tofu, dried brown mushroom, any type of Chinese leafy vegetable, salt,

做法 / Cooking method

  1. 水发过的香菇去硬蒂、切丝。香菇用热水发开。因为热水发得快、用水少,泡香菇的水就很浓,静置滤去杂质备用。

Soak dried brown mushroom in hot water, then cut soaked mushroom in half. Reserve the hot water with mushroom flavour for further use.

  1. 锅中烧热油,大蒜切片炝锅,下豆角翻炒,再下香菇丝翻炒,加适量泡香菇的水,盖上锅盖焖几分钟。

Heat up cooking oil in a frying pan, then add sliced garlic, add to deep fried tofu and mushroom to stir fry, and then add mushroom flavoured water (about 30ml) to cook for 3-4 min

  1. 最后加菜心和盐, 翻炒出锅。

Add vegetable, stir, then add salt to serve.


Jennifer Skelton said...


Jennifer Skelton said...

中国食品闻名于世,平衡香料。 我的父亲建议我 essay 代写 帮助学习烹饪。 烹饪需要母亲,然后他们可以给健康的食物。