Wednesday 16 April 2008



Ingredients: Silky Tofu, broccoli, garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt, sesame oil

做法/ Cooking method:

  1. 1. 西蓝花掰小块,用80度的水烫至翠绿色,捞起沥干水分,撒上少许精盐,抓匀摆盘。不能用开水烫西蓝花,因为开水汆烫之后要马上过冰水,不然等菜上桌西蓝花已经变黄了。开水汆烫是凉菜的做法。用80度的水温即保持了菜色翠绿,又和豆腐保持同等的温度。
    Break broccoli in to small pieces in a mixing bowl, pour in 80 c degree hot water to pre-cook it until the colour of broccoli turns sharp green, then drain it, seasoned with table salt. Put in the plate in a circle or other shapes you prefer.
  2. 锅内加油,大蒜切片爆香,加豆腐略微翻炒,加蚝油、生抽各一大匙、一点水,大火收汁,再加少许糖、盐,淋上香油,装盘。 Add cooking oil in a heated frying pan, add sliced garlic, wait until the garlic flavour comes out then add tofu to stir fry a bit. Add one table spoon of oyster sauce and soy sauce and a bit of water to cook for 3-4 min, then seasoned with a bit sugar and salt, drizzled with sesame oil, to serve.

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