Saturday 19 April 2008


Ingredients: Brussel sprouts, enori mushroom, tomatoes, soy sauce, sugar

做法 / Cooking method

  • 球形甘蓝一个切四半,金针菇去蒂洗净,西红柿用开水烫过去皮,切小丁,Brussel sprouts quartered, enori mushroom washed and cut out the roots, tomatoes soaked in hot water, peel the skin and cut in to small pieces.
  • 热锅冷油,下西红柿丁,炒到粘稠起泡,下球形甘蓝翻炒,加生抽,加锅盖闷一分钟,下金针菇翻炒,加少许糖钓鲜,出锅。 Heat up some cooking oil in a frying pan, stir fry the tomatoes until it gets a creamy texture, then add brussel sprouts to stir fry until well cooked. And then add enori mushroom to stir, add a bit of sugar (optional) to serve.

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